Four-year-old children in Scotland will be allowed to “change gender” without knowledge of parents

Children in schools and preparatory classes, starting from four years old, it is worth allowing to “change gender” depending on their desire – teachers better contact them in accordance with the floor and name that they choose themselves. At the same time, this can be done without the knowledge of the parents. Such recommendations for teachers released the Government of Scotland, writes The Telegraph.

According to new recommendations, children should allow the use of the toilet that they themselves want, the school form should include “gender-neutral” options, and in educational materials for junior classes there must be transgender characters and role models.

Head of Human Rights Group for Women Scotland Marion Calder criticized the decision of the authorities: according to her, it is a state of dangerous ideology and encroachment on parental rights. She stressed that before the introduction of these norms it was clear to everyone that children could experiment with gender roles, clothing and other preferences.

“Now such children are pushing to the fact that in the end it will end with medical intervention and can affect the whole of their further life. We should not teach children, especially young students that they can change the floor, because the floor can not be changed in fact,” – she said.

The representative of the Social Democratic Party of the Social Democratic Party of the Social Democratic Party of Shirley-Ann Somerville claims that the new recommendations do not promote the idea of ​​a medical “gender shift”, but only take care of the mental health and respect for children’s rights that are faced with similar problems.

In March, the Danish Ethical Council recommended the state authorities to allow the legal change of gender from 12 or even 10 years. The initiative was supported by all the left batchs of the Danish parliament, their opponents indicated that data on the benefits of such steps for children with gender dysphoria.

/Media reports.