Yenisei: millions of fry of Siberian sturgeon will be released

The Yenisei River in the Boguchanskaya HPP area produces more than 2,700,000 fry of Siberian sturgeon of the Yenisei population (Acipenser Baerii). About this “” reported in the press service of the group en + group.

During July and August 2021, the release of the Smells was conducted at the Boguchanskaya HPP weekly parties from 159 to 385 thousand fry. In total, the river has already been more than 850 thousand fry, which were specially prepared at the enterprise specializing in reproduction of valuable fish breeds. Until October 31, 2021, the company will release more than 1,860,000 pieces of fry.

“Replenishment of water resources is one of the important priorities of EN + Group as one of the largest company that works in Siberia. Artificial grinding helps maintain balance in the ecosystem. We hope that all firing fired quickly adapt to the natural conditions of the aquatic environment and will live Decades in the Great Siberian River, “said the Deputy General Director EN + Group Vera Kurochkin.

The release of Sris Falls is held with the participation and control of representatives of the Yenisei Department of Rosrybolovia, Rosprirodnadzor of the region, the Environmental Prosecutor’s Office, the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO). Volunteers from among EN + GROUP employees in the Krasnoyarsk Territory also joined the stock.

The issues of preserving biological resources are in the priority of environmental programs launched by the founder of the company Oleg Deripskaya. The release of fry is systematically in the regions of the presence of EN + Group.

Yenisei sturgeon Acipenser Baerii is under threat of disappearance and listed in the Red Book in 2001. Fish lives for about 60 years, can reach three meters of length and mass 200 kilograms. Solvingness Ostr reaches 15-20 years, and the spawning period takes place every 4-5 years.

/Media reports.