American human rights defenders accused Hamas in war crimes

American human rights organization Human Rights Watch stated that the actions of the Palestinian Hamas grouping during the conflict with Israel in May 2021 fall under the definition of a military crime. About this reports “BBC”.

According to the report of the human rights organization, released on August 12, indiscriminate missile shelling of the Israeli territory, entailed death of 13 people, are a “gross violation of the laws of warfare.” According to the Armed Forces of Israel, only during the conflict, which has extended from 10 to 21 May, 4360 uncontrolled missiles of the “Kassam” system were issued in the country.

“In rockets released by Palestinian groupings, there were no guidance systems, which made them extremely inaccurate and, therefore, an indiscriminate weapon. The launch of such missiles in areas with the civilian population is a war crime,” says the report of American human rights defenders. Director of the Human Rights Watch branch in North Africa and the Middle East Eric Goldstein (Eric Goldstein) stated that all attempts of Hamas to justify the application of strikes on the civilians of Israeli aggression should be discontinued.

The report also indicates that the low quality of missiles caused by their handicraft production has led to a series of unintended explosions on the starting sites. As a result of such detonations, at least seven civilians were killed, another 15 was injured. According to Israeli military, about 680 rockets Hamas fell on the territory of Gaza. The Israeli Analytical Center “Begin-Sadat” (Begin-Sadat) stated that 91 Palestine resident died from spontaneous detonation.

In July, Human Rights Watch released the first part of the report, in which the war crimes of the Armed Forces of Israel were considered. The investigation caused the negative reaction of the Israeli authorities, human rights defenders accused of bias.

As a result of the May escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, for 11 days of mutual shelling at least 260 people were killed in the Gaza Strip, 13 – in Israel.

/Media reports.