Keith Pakkard ( Keith Packard ), Debian’s active developer, project leader and creator of multiple X extensions, Including Xrender, Xcomposite and XRANDR, Posted New Issue of Programming Language Snek 1.6 , positioned as a simplified version of Python, adapted for use on embedded systems, on which there are not enough resources to use Micropython and Circuitpython . SNEK does not claim full support for Python, but can be used on chips that have only 2kb RAM, 32 KB Flash memory and 1KB EEPROM. Project code extends under the GPLV3 license. Build Prepared for Linux, Windows and MacOS.
SNEK language uses semantics and syntax Python, but only a limited subset of the capabilities is supported. One of the goals that is taken into account when developing is to save backward compatibility – SNEK programs can be performed using full-fledged Python 3. SNEK implementations ported for a wide range of embedded devices, including Arduino boards, Feather / Metro M0 Express, AdaFruit Crickit, AdaFruit ItSybitsy, LEGO EV3 and μDUINO provides access to GPIO and various peripheral devices.
At the same time, the project also develops its own open microcontroller Snekboard (ARM Cortex M0 with 256kb Flash and 32kb RAM), designed to use SNEK or Circuitpython, and aimed at learning and creating robots using LEGO details. Tools for creating SNEKBoard collected during crudfunding.
To develop applications on SNEK, the code editor mu ( Patches for support ) or your own console integrated development environment Snekde which is written using the CURSES library and provides an interface for editing code and interacting with a device via a USB port (you can immediately save programs in EEPROM devices and download code from the device).
In a new release:
- Added support for explicit synchronization based on
ENQ / ACK allowing applications to send large amounts of data without the need to maintain the flow control on the operating system side, including when connecting a large number of devices to a USB or a sequential port that do not control the flow control. - Significantly improved the port for the LEGO EV3 card, which is supported to the level of other devices.
- Added port for the narrow 1284 on-site SOC ATMEGA1284.
- Added port for the Seeed Grove Beginner Kit board based on ATMEGA328P.
- Added port for the Seeeduino Xiao board based on SAMD21 connected via USB-C.
- Added port for Arduino Nano Every board based on ATMEGA4809, equipped with 6 KB RAM.