Tourists massively went to San Marino for the sake of vaccination with the Russian preparation “Satellite V”, after vaccination, they take with them the ampoules from the vaccine as souvenirs. This was reported by RIA Novosti at the Institute of Social Security (ISS) San Marino.
The country’s authorities launched special “vaccine tours”: in them any tourist, paying 50 euros for the procedure and leased the hotel for the period necessary for observing after vaccination, may be hurt by the Russian drug.
“During the start of the campaign, we made 1,700 injections. Both components of the drug received 840 people,” said the representative of the medical department of microgen state. He also noted that most of the European Union were citizens, mainly in Germany. After vaccination, some “tourists” asked to demonstrate to them the corresponding ampoules and even taken them with them as souvenirs.
Previously, the Italian National Institute of Infectious Diseases (Lazzaro Spallanzani), which investigated the effectiveness of the Russian drug on the example of the vaccination campaign in San Marino, confirmed that 99 percent of vaccinated was obtained by antibodies. Investment participated five thousand people.
San Marino authorities vaccinated 70 percent of the country’s population is an indicator necessary to develop collective immunity. Despite the presence of the Pfizer vaccine from the Biontech campaign, 85 percent of the country’s citizens preferred to the Russian drug.