Police sites are the most dangerous places for citizens of India due to police cruelty. This was stated by the main Indian judge of Nutalapati Raman, reports The Guardian.
According to him, the police station is the greatest threat to human rights and its physical integrity. Ramana stressed that law enforcement officers continue to torture and rape detainees and at the same time remain unpunished.
The judge tied it with the lack of protection from Indians during interrogation. The law provides for a free legal representation of people who cannot afford to hire a lawyer, but many citizens do not know about this right.
Ramana insists that it is necessary to pay more attention to the residents of the countryside, as well as poor and marginalized layers. He suggested putting information shields near the police stations so that at the entrance, people could immediately see that they had the right to a lawyer. However, the key to the suppression of violations by the police, the judge called the criminal prosecution of the guilty policemen.
According to the last government data, 348 people died in police stations in India, 1189 detainees were torture.
Earlier in Russia, the Usolsky City Court of the Irkutsk region sentenced three policemen who had chosen the testimony from the marina Ruzayeva marina with the handcuffs of many children. According to the victim, two people came to her home in civilian clothes and with police officers and reported that her neighbor was killed. A woman was asked to drive to the Department of Internal Affairs to identify suspects by photographs. There she began to torture, demanding to confess the murder. Ruzaeva put the bag on his head, handcuffed and beat the handcuffs. Her home was released after five and a half hours.