Sudan’s authorities decided to transfer to the International Criminal Court (MUS) of people suspected of war crimes in the province of Darfur, located in the West of the country. Among the main suspects subject to extradition are the former President of Omar Al-Bashir, overthrown in April 2019. It is reported by the Moroccan edition “Sat 24”.
The decision was made at a joint meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sudan Mariam Al-Mahdi (Mariam Al-Mahdi) and the main prosecutor of the International Criminal Court of Karim Khan (Karim Khan). It is known that the prosecutor arrived in Sudan with a weekly visiting, in order to achieve extradition of all suspects. Following the meeting, Mahdi declared the full readiness of her country to promote international justice.
The Foreign Minister also indicated that the Council of Ministers decided to extradite persons wanted by the International Criminal Court. In addition to this, the country’s authorities approved the draft law on the accession of Sudan to the Roman Statute of the International Criminal Court. For its part, Han confirmed the desire of international institutions to cooperate with Sudan in order to achieve justice.
In addition to Bashira, Mus intends to seek the extradition of the former Defense Minister Abdel Rakhim Hussein, as well as the former Minister of the Interior of Ahmad Haran. They are all accused of criminal methods of war and genocide.
The conflict in Darfur lasts since 2003. The war in the region acquired an inter-ethnic character, which affected her fierce. The cause of the conflict was land disputes between the Negroid Population of the province and Arabic nomadic tribes. About half a million people became victims of the conflict.