Among the most common causes for divorce, Russians called poverty (33 percent), the results of the VTII survey.
Mutual misunderstanding (15 percent), the infidelity of the partner (14 percent), household problems (10 percent) also became one of the main reasons for the destruction of marriage. Incompatibility of characters and drunkenness noted as causes of eight percent of respondents.
about 57 percent believe that the divorce decision must be taken depending on the specific case. Another 27 percent noted that it can be done only when the family actually broke up. About nine percent will try to save marriage at any cost.
about 39 percent are confident that there are no such reasons because of which it is impossible to divorce. About 31 percent of respondents believe that an irresistible obstacle is the impossibility of “dividing” children between spouses, 21 percent of such a material dependence on each other, 16 percent – complexity with the section of the property, 15 percent – ethnic and religious customs. Most (82 percent) Russians condemn treason, while 10 percent do not see anything reprehensible in it.
Earlier Rosstat declared a reduction in poverty in the country. It fell from 14.4 percent in the first quarter to 12.1 percent in the second quarter of this year. Also decreased by the share of Russians with income below the subsistence minimum.