Russia mulling to increase minimum wage

In the State Duma, they were offered to increase the amount of minimum wages (minimum wage) up to 20 thousand rubles from 2022 .. This is reported by Izvestia.

Now the minimum wagon in Russia is 12,792 rubles, the regional values ​​of the indicator will differ. Amendments to the law “On the minimum wage” the head of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs Yaroslav Nilov and a number of deputies were made to make aims.

“Our LDPR faction is the principled position to increase the minimum wage. We believe that in Russia labor is underestimated,” Nilov said.

Politician added that the bill will be submitted in the near future and should be considered by the new composition of the State Duma in the fall together with the federal budget project for the next year. Additional financial costs of implementing the initiative will be 1.2 trillion rubles

/Media reports.