The Chinese court left the death sentence to a citizen of Canada Robert Schellenberg (Robert Schellenberg), accused of smuggling drugs. It is reported by Agencyrers.
Shellenberg is in custody since 2014. Citizen Canada is accused of an attempt by smuggling 225 kilograms of amphetamine from China to Australia. In 2018, the Chinese court sentenced Canadian to 15 years of conclusion. Schellberg, insisting on his innocence, filed an appeal, following which, the court of the city of Dalian against the background of an awning scandal with the detention of the financial director of Huawei Meng Wanzhou, decided to tighten the sentence. The prison sentence was replaced by the death penalty. August 10, 2021, the court of the city of Shenyang left the sentence in force.
“The prosecution is legitimate, the sentence is fair, the trial has passed in accordance with the law,” says the final decision of the court. The death sentence can be executed only after confirming this verdict on the part of the Supreme People’s Court of China.
The verdict caused the condemnation of the Chinese authorities by Canada, the USA and the Netherlands. “We encourage China to pardon Robert Shelnlinberg. We strongly unacceptable this cruel and atypical for the legal practice of punishment,” said Dominic Barton.
Official Vancouver sees in tightening the sentence of Shellenberg an attempt to put pressure on the country, due to the detaining of December 1, 2018 of the financial director of Huawei Corporation Meng Wanzhou. She is accused of deliveries of equipment of the corporation in Iran bypassing US sanctions. At the moment, a trial continues on its extradition to the United States.
In addition to tightening the sentence of Shellenberg, nine days after the detention of Wanzhou, the Chinese authorities arrested on charges of espionage of another citizen of Canada – Michael Spavor’s businessman. August 9, 2021, Sparvor was convicted. China denies any connection between Maine Wanzhou and the condemnation of Canadians.