In the consumer lending market, lending contracts identified several schemes, as a result of the use of which citizens are misleading, they carry additional costs that worsen their financial position. About this Chairman of the Central Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina wrote a deputy of the State Duma, a member of the Human Rights Center “United Russia” Alexander Yakubovsky. The request of the deputy is available “”.
Human rights activist draws attention to the heads of the Central Bank on the fact that he is no longer the first message about fraud from banks that may be trying to circumvent the law on the marginal full cost of the loan and continue to mislead the trustful customers.
“How does it work? Very simple. Give a credit card to a citizen, in the loan agreement to which you write – the full cost of the loan is so much percent. Clearly, as established by law, in a rectangle and legible font. Only here you consider this value from Rates at 22 percent with cashless payment by this card. And if a person takes off cash, then there is already an unpleasant surprise. In the form of, for example, 49 percent. Does the full cost of the loan change? Obviously, yes. And it is also revealed for the cost. , for example, a commission for annual maintenance, the size of the accountant content on the outsource, “Alexander Yakubovsky comments on its request.
You can still apply to the main contract with the declared interest rate additional, where to register all these usual and robbing percentages. All these manipulations are not only, according to a member of the Human Rights Center “United Russia”, violate the law on the limiting cost of the loan, but also, most importantly, we bring tangible financial losses to citizens.
“We had an analysis. It sins not few credit organizations. And someone does not consider it at all necessary to hide the violation of the law and in direct exceeding the established Central Bank the limit value of the loan. He sent a request to the chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Elvira Nabiullina with a proposal to conduct an inspection and Detailed analysis of reports of credit institutions on consumer lending and take measures to all violators, “said Alexander Yakubovsky.