Possibility of complete elimination of Covid-19

New Zealand scientists appreciated the possibility of complete victory over COVID-19. Global eradication of Coronavirus SARS-COV-2 feasible, albeit to a lesser extent than a natural smallpox virus. This is reported in the article published in the BMJ Global Health magazine.

The eradication of COVID-19 is defined as a decrease in morbidity to zero worldwide as a result of deliberate effort. The researchers analyzed the factors that helped to defeat other viral diseases (OSPA and poliomyelitis), including vaccines, as well as a number of technical, socio-political and economic factors. OSAP was declared eradicated in 1980, and two of the three poliovirus serotypes were completely eliminated.

Total 17 variables were estimated on a three-point system, including the availability of a safe and effective vaccine, lifelong immunity, public health measures, state control of reports on the control of infection, the concern of politicians and the public by the economic and social consequences of infection, as well as public Recognition of infection control measures. Average (general) scores in the analysis amounted to 2.7 (43/48) for smallpox, 1.6 (28/51) for COVID-19 and 1.5 (26/51) for polio.

Compared with PCP and polio, there are technical problems of the eradication of COVID-19, which includes poor adoption by the public vaccine and the emergence of new options that can slip away from immunity. Conservation of coronavirus in animal tanks can also prevent the efforts to eradicate infection, but, according to scientists, this is not a serious problem. However, the fight against COVID-19 will facilitate additional public health measures, including border control, social distance, contact tracking and wearing masks.

/Media reports.