Mourning events were held in the Japanese city of Nagasaki, dedicated to the 76th anniversary of a nuclear strike, inflicted by the United States Armed Forces in 1945. The mayor of Tomihas Towe (Tomihisa Taue) called on the United States and Russia to “do everything possible” to eliminate the reserves of atomic weapons. This is reported by Associated Press.
After a minute of silence, Taue said a speech, in which the Government called Japan and the descendants of the tragedy not be content with the finding under the American “nuclear umbrella”, but to promote the emergence of a zone free from nuclear weapons in Asia countries.
The mayor of the city also stressed that the United States and Russia as the owner of the two largest nuclear arsenals on the planet must make a maximum effort to eliminate the reserves of nuclear weapons. The current modernization of the atomic potential of the two powers causes a concern about the mayor of Nagasaki.
TAUE also called on the Government of Japan to sign the “Nuclear Weapon Prohibition Treaty” – an international agreement that prohibits the development, testing, storage, acquisition, transportation and use of nuclear weapons. He was accepted in 2017. Also, the mayor of Hiroshima asked Tokyo to increase funding for programs of medical and social assistance to nuclear strike victims.
Premier Japan’s Prime Minister Esihid Suga also expressed concern about the lack of progress in nuclear disarmament. He noted that it is necessary to develop mutual trust and create the soil for the dialogue. At the same time, the Suga confirmed the inviolability of the course aimed at the Strategic Union with the United States. The Japanese leader is concerned about the growth of China’s nuclear potential, as well as the acquisition of Northern Korea nuclear status.
Nagasaka’s nuclear strike was inflicted on August 9, 1945, three days after a similar strike on Hiroshima. As a result of the bombardment of the two cities, about 210 thousand people died, even more suffered from the consequences of the use of nuclear weapons. Japan capitulated 6 days after the second strike – August 15. The discussion about the military necessity of such measures continues to this day.