Tikhanovskaya encouraged to fight “addiction” of Belarus from Russia

The former presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya believes that it is necessary to stop considering Belarus unnecessarily dependent on Russia. With his opinion, she shared with the publication Spiegel.

“We must move away from the understanding that without Russia in Belarus nothing can be solved. This is wrong. We are an independent country,” said Tikhanovskaya in an interview, calling on to fight the current situation.

accusing the President of the country Alexander Lukashenko in that he introduced Belarus dependence on Russia, she expressed the view that the EU and the United States should introduce “more powerful” sanctions.

According to the leader of the Belarusian opposition, the current political structure of Minsk should be subjected to “political urastracy” and fully isolate it economically and financially. “Everyone in the United States understands, as well as in the UK, where I just had. Unfortunately, many democratic states still cannot really imagine the situation in Belarus,” Tikhanov said.

/Media reports.