Former Telegram-channel Telegram-channel Nexta Roman Protasevich on the air of the State TV channel SPT spoke about his attitude to the activities of the Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.
in his opinion, “if a person was able to withstand such a huge pressure, then, probably, it says a lot.” “From the point of view of personality, as a person – yes, his durability causes respect,” admitted Protasevich.
In July, Protasevich said that the administrators and owners of popular Telegram channels were real organizers of Belarusian protests, while the role of the opposition is significantly overvalued. He explained that it was the administrators of such channels, including NEXTA, coordinated the output of people to the streets.
Roman Protasevich was detained by Belarusian security forces after the incident with the forced landing of the airline airline Ryanair on May 23 in Minsk. In Belarus, he was accused of violating the order and organizing mass events after the presidential elections in the homeland in August 2020.
In the end, he agreed to cooperate with the investigation and gave a few interviews, in which the theses of official Minsk repeated about the mass riots, accused the opposition in foreign financing and praise responded to Lukashenko.