In Czech premiere threw an egg on election rally

One of the spectators of the electional rally of the Czech Prime Minister Andrei Babisha threw an egg in him when a politician presented his new book in Prague suburb of Prugonice. It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the representative of the Russian police Halup.

It is reported that as a result, the clothing of the minister, as well as several officials standing near the officials, was fan. The police quickly detained an attacker and another person – his role is not specified. Rusked accused of violating public order.

Also, according to Halupa, the police checks the data on who, before the rally, Babisha arranged unrest on the square in the center of Prugonice, where the action was carried out. Several dozen political opponents premiere gathered before the tent, where the prime minister distributed ice cream to the rally participants and began to shout insults to Babisha and his governments, the requirements to abolish the restrictions in the republic due to coronavirus and stop vaccination.

Earlier, the head of the Czech Foreign Ministry of Jacob Kulgank said that the first step towards establishing relations between Russia and the Czech Republic should be made Moscow. According to him, first of all, Moscow must exclude the Czech Republic from the list of unfriendly countries.

/Media reports.