Head of Czech Foreign Ministry said condition for improving relations between Prague and Moscow

Improving relations between Prague and Moscow is possible only after the Russian authorities exclude the Czech Republic from the list of unfriendly countries. This is reported by TASS with reference to the Interview Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Yakub Kulganka Newspaper “Law”.

He stated that the political relations between the two countries need to line up. The minister said that convened a closed round table for representatives of the Czech parliamentary parties to discuss the ideas about relations with Russia.

At the same time, he noted that the question of the further development of relations between Prague with Moscow from the Czech side will have to be solved by the new government of the republic. It should be formed on the results of parliamentary elections, which will be held in October.

Earlier, the author of the Czech edition of Časopis Argument Ivo Schebestik (Ivo Šebestík) criticized the authorities of the country due to the course on the rupture of relations with Russia and stated that the dispute over the case in Vrbetice will bring the Czech Republic for the monastery. He stated that Prague puts out unfounded accusations against Moscow in connection with the explosions of military warehouses in the village of Vrbetice.

/Media reports.