Japan’s ultra-right organizations organize a series of mass anti-Russian protests across the country. This became known from representatives of the Japanese police, transfers Interfax.
The law enforcement agencies reported that the preparation of protests is timed to the 76th anniversary of the Soviet Union entry into the war with Militarist Japan. Shares are planning to hold in the area of the Embassy and the Communist Representative Office of Russia in Japan, as well as about Russian Consulates Offers in Sapporo, Osaka and Niigate.
Russian dipmission called on the Russians who are in the Japanese territory to elevated caution to prevent possible unwanted incidents.
Previously Associate Professor at Temple in Tokyo James Brown stated that the prospects for a peace treaty between Russia and Japan are extremely dubious, primarily due to the fundamentally different positions of the parties. In his opinion, the main reason for a dead end in the negotiation process is that Japan insists on the conclusion of a peaceful contract only after the transfer of the Kuril Islands. Russia does not even want to link the territorial dispute with the signing of the document.
Moscow and Tokyo cannot sign a peace treaty on the results of the Second World War due to the territorial dispute around the southern part of Kuril. Japan considers the Islands of ITUURUP, Kunashir, Shikotan and a group of Habmioma Islands with its “northern territories”. Moscow does not recognize the very fact of the territorial dispute.