Due to the increase in contamination, Coronavirus in the world of China’s authority will temporarily stop issuing to their citizens of passport. It is reported by Xinhua with reference to the head of the Border Control Department of the State Migration Department of the PRC Liu Hightao.
Departure permits The Chinese will be able to receive only in extreme cases. The government will strictly check each application for a trip to another state. Heptao also warned about epidemiological control, which will be held goods imported to China.
Any transport entering China from another country will be inspected for the presence of traces of coronavirus or infected people. Border Guards will strengthen control over illegal migration to prevent infection in the PRC. Chinese border guards will also put interaction with their colleagues from surrounding countries in order to increase the effectiveness of measures against the spread of the disease.
On July 30, China’s power reported that the outbreak of coronavirus in Nanjing began after an aircraft from Moscow arrived at the city airport. According to the city administration, the infection has infected the airport cleaner, which violated the rules of personal disinfection. This was the reason for infection of other employees.