Most popular laptop manufacturer

Global supply of laptops decreased compared to the first quarter of the year. This is reported in the Strategy Analytics report.

For the second quarter, laptop manufacturers put 65.6 million units of technology, which is 15 percent more than in the same period of 2020. Also, this is four percent less than in the first quarter of 2021. The decline is caused by some relaxes in coronavirus constraints and the return of part of employees from remote work from the house, where portable technique was required. However, analysts believe that by the end of the year, compact computers will become popular again.

The leader of the laptop market was Lenovo, which delivered 15.5 million units of products. The share of the company named 24 percent. In second place with a share of 23 percent and 14.9 million shipped devices accommodated HP. On the third – Dell, which with 10.7 million computers delivered has a share of 16 percent. At the fourth and fifth places, Apple and Acer were, which received a share of eight percent each.

It is specified that the first three companies from the list account for almost a third world laptop market.

Previously, Strategy Analytics experts reported that Samsung was the largest supplier of smartphones following the first quarter of 2021. The share of corporation in the market was 23 percent.

/Media reports.