Belarusian border guards were caught by migrants seeking to Lithuania

Lithuanian authorities argue that the Belarusian border guards were caught in helping illegal migrants seeking to the Baltic Republic. Reports about it DELFI.

August 2 Employees of the European Union’s Safety Agency for the Safety of Frontex, which help Lithuanian border guards, patrolled on a helicopter border in Salchininka district. They recorded and filmed a group of illegal immigrants, which was accompanied by a departmental car. The Ministry of Internal Affairs stated that the vehicles of this type use Belarusian border guards.

From the beginning of the year, the border of Lithuania from Belarus has moved more than 4,000 migrants from the Middle East. In July, the Lithuanian government has introduced the regime of an extreme situation in the country due to the influx of illegal immigrants. The European Commission decided to allocate the Republic of 10 million euros for the content of migrants.

The migration crisis in Lithuania began after at the end of May, the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, against the background of the next exacerbation of relations with the West, threatened to weaken control abroad. “We stopped drugs and migrants, now you will have themselves and catch them,” he promised.

In July, he stated that Belarus is not obliged to place refugees. “We will never keep anyone: they don’t go to us. They go to enlightened, warm, cozy Europe,” he noted.

/Media reports.