Works continue on “Science” module

On board the International Space Station in the active mode, the integration of the multi-purpose laboratory module “Science” with the Russian segment of the ISS continues. During the week, the astronauts of Roscosmos Oleg Novitsky and Peter Dubrov will carry out work on unloading the module and dismantling the equipment who arrived on it.

In addition, Russian crew members of the 65th long expedition begin to prepare for the upcoming outputs into open space. Nearest of them are previously scheduled for 2 and 8 September 2021. They will be devoted to the integration of the new “Science” module on the outside of the International Space Station.

The integration of the new module in the station will take more than six months and will require about ten outlets into open space of Russian astronauts. During this period, cable networks and pipelines have to be stretching, to establish the fastening of large-sized objects, as well as the gateway chamber and the radiation heat exchanger, which are currently located on a small study module “Dawn”.

the next operation associated with the “Science” module is the reloading of the transport pilotable ship “Yu.A. Gagarin” (“Union MS-18”). According to preliminary data of the service of ballistic-navigation support of the TSNIMASH flight management center (Roskosmos State Corporation), the ship’s uncovery from the Dawn module and docking with “science” are scheduled for September 28, 2021. “Soyuz MS-18” with his “percussion” will free the docking assembly for the ship “Union MS-19”, the launch of which is scheduled for October 5.

/Media reports.