In UK released coins with Alice in castorgal

In the UK, they released coins dedicated to the book of the English writer Lewis Carroll “Alice in the Wasser Calm”, told on the website of the Royal Mint. The heroine is depicted in the company of other characters – Gemini and Trully twins.

In 2021, the 150th anniversary of the publication of this work, the continuation of the “Alice in Wonderland” continue. “Written by Charles Lutvidge Dodzhson, more famous under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll, story tells about the unique and impressive travel of Alice in the castorgal, where everything is arranged on the contrary, and the logic is turned upside down on the head,” it is noted on the page dedicated to the novelty.

On the site collection coins can be purchased. Prices range from 65 to 2440 pounds in the Silver and Gold Option. Buy offers and coins from the usual alloy of improved quality, which cost from 13 to 20 pounds. Also, earlier the royal mint released a collection dedicated to the first book, “Alice in Wonderland.”

At the end of April, the largest gold coin was presented in the UK for more than 1000-year-old money chasing stories. A copy of the BBC reported, weighs almost ten kilograms.

/Media reports.