Siluanov announced an excess of money in Russia

Finance Minister Anton Siluanov did not agree with the opinion that there is little money in the country. During a business breakfast of Sberbank at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (PMEF-2021), he stressed that they are even in excess, but the case is not in the money themselves, but how they are used, what effect costs are given. Broadcasting is conducted on the website event.

“everyone says: little money, little money. Many money. And the money, by the way, we grow,” the official pointed out. At the same time, he reminded that with those money that there is at the disposal of Russia, other countries achieve much greater results.

On the eve of Siluanov, stated that if not to speed up the normalization of the budget and monetary policy, the country threatens the depreciation of money, social benefits, salaries. In his opinion, in this case, the growth of state expenditures will be useless and will not increase the standard of living of citizens.

At the same time, he stressed that the increase in spending on the social sphere is the inevitable “childhood disease” of the spent, which should be overcome. According to the minister, the costs of infrastructure should increase, which will lead to an increase in the economy.

Also, Siluanov said that he did not see state regulation of prices in Russia, and the measures that are being undertaken are market character.

/Media reports.