Doctors explained mortality difference from COVID-19 among men and women

Men and women are equally susceptible to coronavirus infection. However, the mortality rate on men’s infection exceeds the same indicator among women. The reasons for such a phenomenon explained French doctors, writes Le Monde.

“Men are more at risk of hospitalization due to COVID-19, and their share accounts for 58 percent of deaths in hospitals. They are also the majority in the departments of intensive therapy,” said the head of respiratory infections of public health services France Daniel Levi-Bruhl By adding that they constitute about two thirds of intensive care patients.

It is noted that men are more susceptible to the occurrence of concomitant diseases. In addition, among them above the percentage of chronic patients – we are talking about such diagnoses as diabetes mellitus, diseases of the cardiovascular or respiratory system.

Specialists from the Strasbourg University Hospital and the Pasteur Institute analyzed the data of 308 medical institutions that have undergone COVID-19 in a light form. It turned out that in six months after the infection, women demonstrate more reliable immune defense.

According to the director of the Institute of Virology in Strasbourg, Samiers of Fafi-Kremer, the reverse side of such an immune response manifests itself in the fact that women are more susceptible to autoimmune diseases. Protection in women also explained the presence of two x-chromosomes, in which immunity genes are concentrated, as well as sex hormones capable of improving immunity.

At the end of last year, Cape Town University in South Africa found out that men infected with coronavirus are three times more often intensive therapy than women, and have an increased risk of death. One of the risk factors researchers call sexual differences in innate and adaptive immune system. Women produce more type I interferon proteins that limit the anomalous immune response, known as cytokine storm and playing a key role in heavy complications.

/Media reports.