70 years old Viktor Grigorievich Tolmachev

Today, June 8, 2021, marks 70 years to the head of the work and the organizer of the production of rocket technology, the winner of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Prize of the Russian Federation named after Marshal Soviet Union G.K. Zhukova Viktor Grigorievich Tolmachev.

Viktor Grigorievich graduated from the faculty of “aircraft construction” of the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute named after S.P. Korolev: specialty “Production of aircraft” (1974). Since 1974, he has been working at the Votkin engineering factory: all the steps of professional growth from the master to the general director were passed.

participated in the development and organization of production on equipment, completing the assembly, electrotypes of solid fuel missiles of operational and tactical and strategic destination, incl. “Topol” and “Topol-M”, managed shells “Metis” and “Krasnopol”. Viktor Tolmachev contributed to the production and assembly of rocket-carrier “Start-1” to run on the near-earth orbit of satellites with movable transport and starting units.

under his leadership in the company was mastered by the mass production of promising samples of rocket technology and the integrated equipment of the land forces, the rocket troops of the strategic appointment, as well as the Russian Navy in the deadlines defined by the state defense order.

Winner of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation (2004), the RF Prize named after Marshal Soviet Union G.K. Zhukova (2016), National Public Prize named after Peter Great. He was awarded the orders of the friendship of peoples (1990), “Honor” (1998), “For merits to the Fatherland” IV Art. (2003), Holy Prince Daniel Moscow II Art. (2007), Alexander Nevsky, medals, honorary diploma of the Russian government (2009). “Honored Worker of Rocket and Space Industry of the Russian Federation” (2007). “Honored Machine Builder of the Udmurt Republic.”

/Media reports.