Rector of HSE Yaroslav Kuzminov in a conversation with the newspaper “Izvestia” called the cause of poverty in Russia. In his opinion, it lies in a high percentage of educational failure, which is then converted to the unsuccessfulness of economic.
He noted that in each class there is about 30 percent of children with poor performance. If parents have such children there is money, they can hire tutors for them. But if schoolchildren grow in a low-income family, it does not happen.
“After all, what does the share of a 20-30 percent in school mean? What children will be released with poor knowledge of mathematics or Russian, which is already transformed into economic failure,” explained Kuzminov, adding that in this case the burden of responsibility lies On the shoulders of more successful citizens, due to the income of which the state ensures unsuccessful.
Rector noted that the average noiselessness in Russia is 25 percent, which is comparable to India or Brazil, where there is a high level of unemployment and excess workforce.
However, in Russia, the situation is inverse, workers are missing, every tenth workplace occupies a labor migrant, Kuzminov emphasized. “In European countries, especially in Scandinavia, the failure has reduced to 10 percent. Russia cannot be laid down,” the head of the HSE.
Earlier, the head of the Ministry of Labor Anton Kotyakov called the presence of children in the family the main sign of poverty. According to him, the overwhelming part of the total number of poor in Russia is 82 percent – it is necessary for families with children.