Scientists told about benefits of sex toys

Sex toys can be useful in the treatment of a number of problems in terms of urology and gynecology. Scientists of Maastricht University came to this conclusion. They published their research in the journal Nature Reviews Urology.

According to scientists from the University of Maastricht, adult toys can help with chronic prostate pain and rehabilitation after irradiation or surgical intervention in the small pelvis organs, which led to nerve damage. In addition, scientists advise the use of such adaptations for the treatment of stress incontinence of urine.

In total, the article indicates eight patient groups, in the treatment of which sex toys can be applied. First of all, these are people who suffer from sexual disorder: for example, violations of sexual attraction, the ability to experience orgasm or erection problems; patients with neurological disorders (attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity); As well as patients with heart disease, diabetes, sclerosis and spinal cord injuries.

According to scientists, such treatment will help to get rid of prejudices and fears inspired by the Society of sex toys, and expand their knowledge in this area. At the same time, scientists advise the use of adult toys only after consulting with a specialized doctor.

/Media reports.