Russia’s foreign debt has decreased to 80 billion dollars

Russia’s foreign debt is currently about five percent of GDP, or 80 billion dollars, said Andrey Belousov, First Deputy Prime Minister. This is reported by TASS.

According to him, it is very small. “We usually say: Borrow more. We will not. But corporate debt is now about 380 billion dollars,” added Belousov.

Previously, Belousov said that the restoration of the Russian economy goes for two months faster forecasts. “We go now better, about ahead – if we speak in general, there are separate problems there – but so about two months ahead of the indicators,” he told during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

June 1 reported that in the first quarter of 2021, Russia’s public debt increased by 741.3 billion rubles and close to the indicator of 20 trillion rubles, stopping at 19.7 trillion. In percentage ratio, the growth in three months amounted to 3.9 percent, the cumulative debt reached 17 percent of the projected GDP volume.

/Media reports.