W3C consortium announced About the formation of WECG Working Group (WebExtensions Community Group) To work together browser manufacturers and other interested parties over the promotion of a common platform for developing browser add-ons, based on the API WebExtensions . The working group includes representatives of Google, Mozilla, Apple and Microsoft.
Working Group Developed Specifications are aimed at simplifying the creation of additions operating in different browsers. The goal is planned to achieve through the definition of a holistic model and common basic functionality, API and the system of authority. The working group will also determine the architecture of additions to improve performance, strengthen security and provide protection against abuse. When developing specifications, it is proposed to adhere to the principles used by W3C Tag (Technical Architecture Group), such as user orientation, compatibility, safety, confidentiality, tolerability, simplicity of accompaniment and predictable behavior.
As the basis for the specifications created, models and APIs will be used to develop supplements already used in Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox and Safari. The Working Party will try to allocate common opportunities for all browsers to create additions, bring the implementation of the implementation and outline of possible development. At the same time, beyond the framework of the Group’s activities, the creation of hard definitions of all aspects of the platform for Web add-ons to give browser manufacturers the opportunity to introduce innovation and developing new APIs that promote the improvement of the platform.