Issue of free system of 3D modeling Blender 2.93 LTS

Issue free package 3D modeling Blender 2.93 LTS , which will be the last release in the 2.9x branch. The release received a release status with an extended support period (LTS) and will be supported for two years in parallel with the release of seven subsequent releases. The next release, according to plan for the development , will be 3.0, the work on which is already Protection .

In Blender 2.93, the development of a geometric object management system based on a node interface, first proposed in the previous version, continued. Significant improvements are made to the tools of static and animated 2D graphics, three-dimensional dowry graphics (Grease Pencil), sculpting, rendering. A number of improvements are made in the interface aimed at improving the convenience of work. In particular, a special tabular editor is implemented, which allows you to conveniently monitor the parameters assigned to objects.

For the released release currently available as the official English and unofficial Russian-speaking reviews :

/Media reports.