With the allocation of additional funding within 300 billion rubles, Russia will be able to slow down in the coming years to reduce the level of poverty, said in an interview with Forbes Chapter Chamber of Accounts Alexey Kudrin.
Now, the country intends to achieve such a goal by 2030, but it is possible to achieve this, according to Kudrin, it is possible for three years, “if the government takes action.”
“But it requires additional funding, not only the redistribution of funds. According to our estimates, within 300 billion rubles – with the right redistribution of funds and targeted support,” he said. Now the number of poor in Russia, as Kudrin explained, exceeds 17 million people. An important factor in the matter of reducing this indicator The head of the Accounts Chamber called and economic growth, which could also promote success in this matter.
Earlier at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (PMEF), the head of the Accounts Chamber also stated that he sees prospects for the introduction of unconditional base income for each person. In addition, he called on the state to pay attention to social issues.