Operator of Russian space means of remote sensing of the land of the State Corporation Roscosmos continues operational monitoring of emergency situations in the territory of the Russian Federation by means of the Russian orbital grouping. Space systems of DZZ allow in a short time to obtain the necessary data from large areas (including hard-to-reach and dangerous sites).
Reception, registration, processing, archiving, cataloging and dissemination of information from Russian and foreign satellites of remote sensing is carried out by the Scientific Center for Operational Monitoring of the Earth. From May 27 to June 4, 2021, the following emergencies were monitored at the requests of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia:
- Karst dips in the Chelyabinsk region, Perm region and the Nizhny Novgorod region;
- fires in the Tyumen region;
- flooding in the Republic of Khakassia, the Amur region, the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Chukchi Autonomous District; / Li>
- Flood and fire hazardous furnishings in the Republic of Sakha;
- Fire hazardous furnishings in the Moscow region, Republic of Bashkortostan and the Tyumen region.
As part of the activities of the International Charter on Space and large catastrophes, monitoring the effects of the earthquake in the PRC and Hurricane in India. At the same time, on the basis of media reports on natural and man-made catastrophes around the world, the space survey of the following events was scheduled:
- Monitoring of flooding in the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
- Monitoring of natural fires in Greece;
- Monitoring of the volcanic eruption in the Congo;
- Monitoring the effects of spill of petroleum products in the Krasnodar Territory;
- Flood monitoring in New Zealand.
Satellites of the Charter successfully completed monitoring of a flood situation in the Amur region, in the EMERCOM of Russia, foreign data of the remote sensing of the Earth has been transferred to the total volume of about 2.1 million square kilometers (146 routes). In just the reporting period in the EMERCOM of Russia, Russian data of space survey in the amount of about 1.2 million square kilometers (151 shooting route without taking into account cloud routes and routes passing in areas of interest of several applications simultaneously), and in the international charter on space and large catastrophes – About 72 thousand square meters. km (24 shooting routes excluding cloud routes and routes passing in areas of interest of several applications at the same time).
Roskosmos State Corporation and the Earth’s Operational Monitoring Center support operational interaction with the EMERCOM of Russia for the timely response to the emergence of a flood and fire-hazardous situation and the implementation of space monitoring of the affected territories.