Microsoft recognized the Windows error associated with the company’s game services. This is reported by the edition of Windows Latest.
Corporation Engineers have released a new Emergency Patch KB5004476, which is intended for users of the Xbox Game Pass subscription. The update corrects a number of errors affecting downloading, updating and gameplay. Special software released for Windows 10 versions 21H1, 20H2 and 2004.
Thus, the company recognized the error system caused by early updating. Many users have come across problems and occurring errors with codes 0x80073D26 and 0x8007139F whenever you tried to install or update games using Xbox Game Pass in Windows.
According to users, errors occurred on Windows computers updated to the versions of May 2021 Update, October 2020 Update and May 2020 Update. “I’m trying to play Flight Simulator. He wants to update the game services in Microsoft Store, but nothing happens,” says a statement by one of the gamers at the Microsoft Forum. Many users spoke about problems with sound and departures in some games.
Windows users still began to complain about problems with games. Gamers told about a spoiled impression of the gameplay – when starting the titles, flights often occur and failures, the graphics hangs, the frame update rate is reduced.