Parents of the former Glavreda Opposition Telegram-channel NEXTA Roman Protasevich asked for help for their son from German Chancellor Angela Merkel. This is reported by the BILD Edition.
Natalia and Dmitry Protasevich reported that the arrested letters did not pass, the lawyer cannot freely talk to him on the phone. They saw traces of torture and violence over the young man on the frames of published interviews.
“We are very pleased to help us withdraw all innocent people from prisons. They urgently need help, because they are subjected to sadism and violence every day. Every extra day, no, every extra hour is innocent of their lives,” turned to Merkel Parents of Roman Protasevich.
Natalia Protasevich added that her son asked his girlfriend Sophia Sappa “to stay away from him” during the detention on the Ryanair plane on May 23, in the hope that nothing happens to her. Dmitry Protasevich also said that they had to leave Belarus on August 17, 2020, they and his wife went to Poland, fearing the arrest because of the activities of the ex-head of the Telegram channel NEXTA and since then they live there.
Previously, the father of Roman Protasevich in an interview with the NV edition called the message of the Son’s testimony, which he gave on the air of the Belarusian television channel OTT. According to him, the oppositionist repeated only propaganda stamps on the air, which broadcast the Belarusian authorities, and all this was done with the aim of satisfying President Alexander Lukashenko and strengthen his position.
On May 23, the airline of the Ryanair airline, following the route Athens – Vilnius, made an emergency landing in Minsk after reports of mining received from Minsk airport. Immediately after landing, Belarusian security forces detained on board the former commands of the opposition telegram channel NEXTA Roman Protasevich and his girl, Russian woman Sophia Sarega.