Neurologist of the Russian Gerontological Scientific and Clinical Center, Elene Mkhitaryan, called a factor that increases the risk of death from COVID-19. Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia worsen the course of coronavirus, said a specialist at lectures available on YouTube.
According to Mkhitaryan, in 2020 in the world of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia, 42 thousand more than in the last five years were died. According to the neurologist, the coronavirus pandemic was largely influenced. The doctor recalled that Alzheimer or Parkinson’s diseases most often suffer from elderly people. They have a coronavirus in more severe form, since a strong impact turns out to be on the peripheral nervous system.
“Being the cause of disability and even mortality, dementia has a physical, psychological, social and economic impact not only on the patients themselves, but also on their guardians, families and society as a whole,” the candidate of medical sciences, Assistant Director for Regional Development and federal OSP projects “N.I. Pirogov Alexander Rozanov.
Previously, scientists revealed a serious impact of coronavirus on the brain. The researchers found “ways for which COVID-19 can lead to dementia, such an Alzheimer’s disease.”