Researchers from the Royal College of London warned about changing the general symptoms of COVID-19, transmits The Mirror.
According to the publication, the virus mutation led to the fact that the most common symptoms of infection became headache, runny nose and sore throat. Professor of Genetic Epidemiology Tim Spector clarified that the “Indian version” of the SARS-COV-2 virus is manifested as a normal cold. Therefore, people with similar symptoms must necessarily pass testing to prevent the proliferation of coronavirus.
“Man does not realize this. He thinks he has some kind of seasonal cold, and goes to events, infecting others. We study the main signs of infection. And now they are not the same as before,” the scientist said.
World Health Organization (WHO) refers to the main symptoms of COVID-19 dry cough, fever and fatigue.
Earlier in Rospotrebnadzor, they told about the rare symptom of the victorious coronavirus. The director of clinical and analytical work of the Central Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor Natalya Wheat specified that in rare cases in patients who were overwhelmed with COVID-19, complaints appear on numbered limbs or a decrease in sensitivity.