Infectiousist dispelled myth about possibility of infecting HIV from mosquito

Myth about the possibility of a person to infect the human immunodeficiency virus from the mosquito bite dispelled the main freelance specialist in the problems of diagnosis and treatment of HIV infection in the Moscow region Alexander Pronin in an interview with RIA Novosti.

According to him, first of all, it is necessary to know what is the paths of infection of HIV. There are three of them three. “In case of blood containing a virus, in the bloodstream of a healthy person, in the first place, of course, it is about contact with blood when using a common toolkit when combining psychoactive substances in non-medical purposes, in other words, drugs,” said Pronin.

Second transmission option – with unprotected sex contact. At the same time, the probability of infection depends on conscious risks: the more sexual partners and unprotected contacts, the higher the risk. The joint use of drugs also leads to more risky behavior, compared with the consequences of the adoption of injecting psychoactive substances. It can also entail a change in sexual behavior.

Last method – from mother to child. However, now there are spent methods and algorithms for the prevention of such a disease – a couple with a wide antiretroviral treatment, such a transfer of HIV infection is reduced to a minimum and children are born healthy, told Prinen. Other paths, stressed infectiousist, does not exist.

/Media reports.