Evaluation of digital maturity of industry enterprises

Roskosmos State Corporation began to evaluate the digital maturity of enterprises of the Russian rocket and space industry. The main goal is to determine the current level of development and priority areas of increasing the efficiency of enterprises through the use of digital and information technologies.

The results of the evaluation of digital maturity will be used to actualize strategies and programs for digital transformation of the Roskosmos State Corporation and its organizations.

In order to conduct a specified estimate by the sectoral center of competences in the field of digitalization of the Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering (part of the state corporation “Roscosmos”), together with the RK-Digit (sectoral IT integrator of Roskosmos), a unique set of tools was developed. and research methods in terms of digital maturity, in directions of management, operating, production and maintenance processes, basic corporate conditions for the implementation of changes, personnel, technical and technological and industrial potential, information and telecommunication infrastructure, fullness and quality of data used to accept managerial solutions.

/Media reports.