Cyberpunk 2077 launched Tesla on electrocare

Cyberpunk 2077 launched on Tesla Model S Plaid during the presentation of the car. Event record available on YouTube Channel Tesla.

Announcement of an electric car took place at the Tesla factory in the city of Frymont, California. According to representatives of the company, Model S Plaid is the fastest serial TESLA car. The car accelerates to 100 kilometers per hour in two seconds, the maximum speed of the car is 320 kilometers per hour.

The founder of Tesla Ilon Mask (Elon Musk) appeared on the scene (Elon Musk), including the additional features of the electrocar. On a 17-inch display of 2200×1300 pixels and AMD graphics with a RDNA architecture, modern games can be launched. As an example, Mask showed how Cyberpunk 2077 works on the on-board computer. According to representatives of the company, the game starts with a frequency of 60 frames per second.

Tesla Model S Plaid has a stroke of 630 kilometers, to pass half the distance the built-in battery needs to be charged about 15 minutes. The interior of the car has undergone changes – in the cabin installed two displays, charging for gadgets and 22 dynamics.

The cost of the new electric car is 130 thousand dollars or about 9.5 million rubles.

video games are not started for the first time and demonstrated on the side computer of TESLA electrocars. In 2017, Ilon Mask confessed to the fan of games – as a favorite Taitle, the American businessman listed Overwatch, Hearthstone, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

/Media reports.