Situation in White House during Trump was compared with “Game of Thrones”

Press secretary of the American president Joe Bayden Jen Psaki compared the situation in the White House with its predecessor Donald Trump with the TV series “Game of Thrones”. Her words transmits The Hill.

politician noted that for four years the presidency of Trump occurred many leaks of information from the American authorities due to rivalry between officials. She stressed that under the administration of the current leader of the country “there are no many dramatic events in the spirit of” Games of Thrones “.”

According to Psaki, with the new president, the atmosphere in the political circles of the United States has changed for the better. “The culture of the White House now is to lower the head, proceed to work, to engage in your business, to be part of the team,” she said.

Previously, the Trump wished Biden not to fall asleep on the upcoming meeting with Russian colleague Vladimir Putin, which will be held on June 16 in Geneva. “Good luck in negotiations with Putin’s President. Do not fall asleep at the meeting and, please give him my best wishes,” he said.

/Media reports.