One of greatest killers released to will for police assistance

One of the bloody killers who worked on Italian mafia was released to the will for police assistance. About this on Friday, June 11, reports The Guardian newspaper.

According to the publication, Giovanni Bruzko killed at least 150 people. One of the most monstrous crimes is the murder of a 11-year-old child, whose corpse he dissolved in acid. In 1996, Bruzo was arrested, and in 2000 he violated the “Code of Honor” Mafia and began to cooperate with the police.

Last week, Bruzo was released by spending 25 years behind bars. His prison term was reduced within the framework of the law, which provides for crossings for those who cooperate with the police. Such a step of the authorities caused discontent as native victims and a number of politicians who called on to revise the legislation. Supporters of the law, on the contrary, indicate that information from people like Bruzo helped in the disclosure of hundreds of crimes.

Earlier it was reported that hundreds of criminals around the world were paid to the trick of the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) of the United States and found themselves behind bars. The FBI and the Australian police secretly promoted in the black market of a device with a “reliable messenger” Anom, which was actually under the control of law enforcement officers. Participants of the operation gained access to the correspondence of criminals in which drug smuggling was discussed, money laundering schemes and even murders.

/Media reports.