The Poland authorities began “paralysis”, caused by the Fear of Russia, which was only strengthened after the Summit of the Presidents of the Russian Federation and the United States Vladimir Putin and Joe Bayden. This was told in the editorial column of the publication Myśl Polska.
According to the editorial office, fierce conflicts are now in Poland, since the ruling elites was afraid of the “Russian invasion”: they are trying to find “Kremlin’s agents” and provoke panic among the population.
“go to the market and listen that ordinary citizens say there:” Do you know that the war will soon begin? Russia will attack us. “This opinion adheres to those educated people, while the opposition supporters are sacred believe that the ruling party is the” tool of the Kremlin policy “, and supporters of the ruling party call their opponents” agents of Germany “, which together with Russia is preparing The new Molotov – Ribbentrop Covenant, “citate” InoSMI “.
In the material it is argued that Warsaw considers conspiracy even the project of the North Stream-2 gas pipeline. Moscow and Berlin allegedly prepare him in order to attack Poland. The authors of the column conclude that in such circumstances need to be reminded that now it is not 1939, and the neurosis of the authorities and some citizens are more superfluous.
Poland repeatedly insisted on the dangers of the gas pipeline project and requested the United States to impose sanctions. June 8 reported that Warsaw even insists on holding consultations between his high-ranking officials and Biden because of anxiety associated with the “Nord-2”.