Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska called an example for the Russian financial authorities, as in “Evil America take care of people.” In his Telegram Channel, he accused the Central Bank of Russia in that he reduces the growth potential of the country’s economy.
Businessman stressed that the US Federal Reserve (Fed) left the base rate at a level of 0-0.25 percent, although it raised the inflation forecast. Thus, in Washington, a soft monetary policy continues to restore employment, not paying attention to the possibility of rising prices.
And in Russia, he stressed, the regulator increases the bid and does not allow people to “restore their financial well-being.” The billionaire hinted that the Central Bank cares only about banks – the “revenge sector of the Russian economy.”
Deripaska called on the State Duma and the Federation Council to gather with the Spirit and change the law on the Central Bank so that the regulator was responsible for economic growth and the creation of new employment. According to him, in the US, such a design has been successfully operating a hundred years.
In the following two posts in the canal, the entrepreneur said that cereals in the Kuban will dramatically rise in price, and they will not collect the cherry and drive to Moscow in the region, because it will be too expensive.
On the eve, the businessman urged Russia to take an example from “Begging Salvador”, officially recognized Bitcoin as a currency, and develop its own digital currency. Without them, the billionaire is confident, Russia will fall behind in the development of financial technologies.
In March, after the first two years of increasing the key bet over the past two years, Deripaska accused the Central Bank in working on the “Restain opposition”. He stated that such conditions would provide four more years of stagnation, and they will be able to change without this power. Later, the billionaire noticed that he meant the power of Financial. However, in early June at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (PMEF-2021), he pointed out that oppositions in Russia did not remain, so good times came and you can do business.