University’s scientists in the UK found out that Darwin was wrong in the theory of natural selection when she argued that bright sex signs increase the chances of an animal to get a partner if they were potentially small. According to the evolutionist, the fewer females, the more pronounced should be the appearance of the male, who competes with rivals. However, new data show that it is not. It is reported by Edition The Conversation.
Although, in general, Darwin was right when she argued that animals evolve in the process of natural selection, he was mistaken in private. The theory of sexual selection explains why, for example, males peacocks have lush tails, although such a tail makes a bird vulnerable to predators. A bright tail is a sign of the health and fertility of the male, which attracts the female. Females always choose males with the most beautiful tails, which contributes to the evolution of a peacock tail. Selection occurs in populations with uneven sex ratio, and Darwin believed that the choice carries out the most small floor.
in many mammals, including a person, the number of adult females exceeds the number of adult males. This unequal ratio of floors is the strongest among the samples. The Australian Antehinuses, for example, all males suddenly die after the marriage season, therefore there are times when adult males are alive, and all adult population consists of pregnant females. The birds have an inverse picture: some of the heaways, for example, males are six times more than females.
As researchers found, Darwin was the right to the fact that sexual selection is closely related to the uneven sexual relationship. In particular, scientists reviewed the sexual dimorphism of the size (males larger than females) in 462 species of animals, including bavians, sea elephants and migratory birds. The large size allows the males to dominate the opponents in the fight for the female. However, the most intense sexual selection occurred at the species with an abundance of females. Such a controversial result is explained by the fact that the winner is able to fertilize a large number of females, and small males as a result cannot give offspring.