Vice Prime Minister Yaroslav Kaczynski accused Russia in Kiberatka to the republic, which occurred on June 15. It quotes RIA Novosti.
Politician argues that its charges are based on the information of the internal security agency and military counterintelligence service. “Analysis of our special services and special services of our allies allows you to make an unequivocal conclusion that Keberatak was carried out from the territory of the Russian Federation. Its scale and coverage of Wide,” said Kachinsky.
According to him, Polish officials, ministers and deputies became the objects of attack.
On June 15, the spokesman for the Polish government Peter Müller spoke about the past attack. At the same time, the Prime Minister of the Countries of Mateush Murezhetsky organized a closed meeting of the lower house of parliament to discuss the increment information about him. It was alleged that the attack was “unprecedented” and touched a number of statesmen and institutions of the republic.