Russia accuses the United States at its exit from the Open Sky Treaty (Don). According to Moscow, the responsibility is fully lying on Washington. This is stated in a statement on the Foreign Ministry website.
In the agency noted that Moscow continued to comply with the terms of the contract, even despite the violations of Washington.
“The situation changed dramatically last year with access to the USD, whose participation was a condition for its entry into force. This step rudely broke the balance of interests, the rights and obligations of the States Parties. We have suggested specific options to solve problems that have arisen, but Western participants Don did not show readiness to deal with their elimination, “they say in the ministry.
The statement also states that Washington is more important to benefit its benefit, and not to comply with the international community of the agreement. The Foreign Ministry believes that this allows you to take several conclusions: first, in such contracts it is impossible to succeed in the detriment of the interests of Moscow. Secondly, Western countries do not exceed Russia’s technology so as to “leave it on the sidelines.”
US and Russia mutually accuse each other in violations of the Don Conditions. Guided by these considerations, at the end of November 2020 Washington issued an agreement. Russia did the same in June 2021. Different countries and international organizations have repeatedly expressed concern about these events. So, on June 8, the UN Secretary General Anthony Guterry urged Russia and the United States still to agree on the further reduction of nuclear arsenals.