Motoclub “Night Wolves” made mileage on territory of Altai Optic Laser Center named after G.S. Titova

Representatives of the All-Russian Motoclub “Night Wolves” during a motorcycle party dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the first flight into space Yu.A. Gagarina, visited the Altai Optico Laser Center named after G.S. Titova (OLC. G.S. Titova is part of the NPK “SPP” State Corporation “Roscosmos”).

Motor race began on June 10 and will last July 15, 2021 on the route: Moscow – Moscow region – Yekaterinburg – Omsk – G. Zmeinogorsk – G. Krasnoyarsk – East Kosmodr – Khabarovsk – Vladivostok.

In the course of the motorcycle row, Russian motorcyclists have already visited a number of key enterprises of the rocket and space industry – RKK “Energia”, Center for Flight Management TsNIIMASH, NGOs of Automation, By “Flying” – Branch of the GKNPC them. M.V. Khrunichev, Altai Optical-Laser Center NPK “SPP” and are now aimed at visiting the eastern cosmodrome, where the launch of the “Soyuz-2.1b” missile launch is scheduled.

Altai Optic Laser Center – Unique Russian Center for Optical Observations. Awards include two ground-based optical laser systems and infrastructure facilities – roads, power lines, hotel, management centers, etc. The first nolc is equipped with a trajectory measurement telescope (having the diameter of the main mirror 0.6 m. Commissioned in 2006 together with infrastructure facilities. The main purpose is to obtain a high-precision trajectory (range and occasional) and photometric information about domestic spacecraft when they are removed, Deployment and functioning in orbits up to 36,000 km high.

Introduction to operate the second terrestrial optical laser system with a telescope information (the diameter of the main mirror 3.12 m) is scheduled for 2022. Currently, the telescope itself is preparing for installation. Its mass is about 100 tons, it is installed on the dominant vertex of 624 m height in the shelter with a diameter of about 20 m, a height of 22 m. The telescope will allow to assess the state of the structural elements of emergency spacecraft, as well as assess their orientation.

Aoldz them. G.S. Titova was established in 2002 as a branch of a joint-stock company “Scientific and Production Corporation” Systems of the Precision Instrument Engineering. “


NPK “SPP” (included in the state corporation “Roskosmos”) – Joint-Stock Company “Scientific and Production Corporation” Systems of the Precision Instrument Making Systems “, created in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2007 No. 1391 on the basis of FSUE” NII PP “. He is a head organization of Roskosmos State Corporation for the development, production and testing of precision instrument-making systems of various types.

/Media reports.