President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko came with a visit to the 2nd Children’s Hospital in Minsk, where he told about how “was fed by” antibodies in “red zones”. It is reported by the Telegram channel “Pool of the First”.
Talking with local doctors, Lukashenko opened the secret of his health. According to the president, a month ago he was recorded 25 antibodies, but he “fueled by being in red zones.” In “Red Zones”, patients with signs of ARVI, influenza and COVID-19 are taken in hospitals.
Also, the head of state advised the doctors to call him personally, if the doctors need to tell how much antibodies are enough to not be vaccinated against coronavirus.
In April, Lukashenko refused to be taken from coronavirus. According to him, he remains a sufficient amount of antibodies after suffering from the disease. The press service of the head of Belarus noted that the president had not previously made vaccinations and from influenza.