Anna Kuznetsova, an authorized under the Russian Rights Rights of the Child, proposed to maintain grandparents who help in raising children. It is reported by RIA Novosti.
“I can not not say about the tradition that has developed in Russia – the help of our grandparents in the education of families. Why not support them and not foresee for this period special maternity payments for grandparents? It could also serve Big help, including for young families, especially, “said Ombudsman.
Kuznetsova added that the size of maternal capital should grow, and family support forms need to be expanded.
Previously, the State Duma deputy Ivan Sukharev proposed to give the fathers a short paid vacation on the occasion of the birth of a child. The deputy stressed that after the birth of the child’s child, support is always required from loved ones, especially the father of the baby. At the same time, according to the law, the men have the right to take vacation for this period, not paid by the employer.